Sunday, January 16, 2011


不知不觉,我已在护士学校里就读了半年了。在这里,我体会和学习了很多很多。我在这里学习了真正的自立。我一直以来都认为自己很自立但却不知道原来自己一直以来在家人,朋友和兄弟姐妹的呵护和保护之下成长。 离开他们过后才知道他们的好和重要。

让我最深刻和思念的是我的妈妈,她一直以来的照顾真的细心,伟大,无微不至。我在家从不担心吃什么,穿什么,衣服有没有洗和烫...可悲的是我发现我是一个生在福中福中不知福的人,妈妈时常总会为我打点好很多的事并且没有怎样要求我帮她做家务而且她还得工作,安排和确保家里的开支,真辛苦。她也教导了我做人的道理和待人处事并且擦干我的泪和一次又一次地把我扶起来。 她为了我家,她付出了很大甚至牺牲自己。多次我看见她送我搭巴士或火车,我都好想哭因为看见她就好舍不得因为发现她真的好爱我而我却 气她,伤害她和时常埋怨。感谢主,我有一位好妈妈,她做的一切是无法形容的。我在这里懂得更想家和爱家并且要关怀和表达。我对不起我的妹妹因为以前常骂她和欺负她。我学习了要多为家人祷告。我要学习对家人的爱和关怀。我学会珍惜每次能回家的时光。

除此以外,我在这里才发现我有一群很好很好的弟兄姐妹和朋友。他们原来一直以来包容,支持,扶持,引导我和一起侍奉神。 他们是余施宁,吴慧欣,陈豪杰,魏家俊,余荣康,陈明慧,柯勤超,朱莉慧,蔡伟贤,刘惠蔚,范丽雯,张巧颖和很多很多的其他。他们每个带给我的欢乐和一起度过的时光是我无法忘记和珍惜的。我爱他们和珍惜他们。


我在这里,学习了待人处事,信心,服侍,顺服,谦卑,知足,忍耐,积极,体谅,怜悯,尊重,耐心,开朗,正面思想,坚持,勇于尝试,控制自己... ...我看见自己以前的不好并且尝试改变和突破。 我在这里学习了要控制情绪,就算多么不满和不喜欢也要乐观,忍耐和正面思想并且不可摆丑脸。我看见了人的许多面,例如:善良,虚伪,奸诈,凡事感恩,对生面的爱戴和珍惜,与病魔对抗或放弃的一面,痛苦的样子,无助又彷徨的样子,面对工作和学业的压力,面对死亡的脸孔....有很多很多... ... 我看见许多事情可是却有心无力,只好祷告。我在这发现生命的可贵和人情世故。我学会了照顾人,给予别人扶持和关怀,我找到我的梦想!在这里还有许多无法写完的经历,总之就是没有后悔!!
最伟大最珍贵的当然是我亲爱的上帝。我所经历的完全是上帝赐予我的。我刚来到这里,又害怕和孤单可是就在那时我想起了父神。 我祷告,我敬拜,我呼求,我想上帝诉说,我祈求,我灵修,我听诗歌。他听我祷告,他安慰我,他回应我,他帮助我,他赐我力量和智慧。上帝让我一次又一次的经历他虽然我有时就好像迷失的羊乱闯可是他依然引我回家。我有许多说不完的见证和上帝感动了我并且使用了我和让我感觉到他是又真又活的神。

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Life in Jan-July 2010

Jan~ASOD (A great experience camp) , Feb ~Chinese New Year&holiday for me,March-June~working in a day care center(teaching kids is fun and challenging,like to listen thise kids calling me teacher),interview for my nursing college(Fatimah Hospital,Lam Wah Ee, Pusat Perubatan UM...all school accpeted me but I choose Assunta,Pangkao family camp ,June~holiday,learn driving,preparer to school,July-Start my school life....Other activities ~Go to church, Visitation,Hang ouy with friends and family,shopping,dating,sleep , online,eat....

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My feeling before SPM

SPM is just around the corner. ( FEW MORE DAYS)
'Are you ready ?' I ask myself.
I really don't know whether I am ready or not but I will just try my best to do it. I am afraid to sit for SPM. What I can do is try my best to do my last minute revision and pray hard. I believe God will lead me.I didn't expect to get straight A's but I hope my language subjects can at least get an A- and get all credits in other subjects. Can I? I hope I can. May god bless me.......
I hope to be a nurse or a news caster. I hope I can achieve my goal.
I hope to be a nurse because and I hope to help people who are in need. They are many people suffering around the world.
I hope to be a news caster because I hope to spread the news around all places and enjoying talking and appears in the TV.
I hope my dreams come true !!!
Hmm....Just pray to God and commit myself to God !!!
I am not live for myself but God !!
God will will light up my life and I will use my life to light up people who around me!!
May God bless me !!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Words to my school

I am reluctant to part of my secondary school life .I do not want because it is not willing and tears .I want everyone remember the most cheerful and charming side of me so I choose to keep my tears and smile happily .In fact, I had been under unknowingly fallen in love with my school and my class .I will remember everyone's face. I will always remember that we study together, play together, along with the teachers blame and praise, along with reading through the five-year career and we take photo together always .I am very grateful to everyone in this school because of your constant support and inclusion. Beside that, this school added a lot of beautiful colors in my life .I hope that we all strive together towards the goal. Friends ,GAMBATEH oh !!!Our schools will be more progressive.SMK Seri Intan 's students will always shine like diamond !! My school and my class went so far as to become unforgettable memories in my life. Good bye my beloved school ----SMKSI !!!